Fagor 8055 G Codes M Codes

Fagor 8055/8055i programming G codes / M codes complete lists.

Fagor 8055 M Milling

Fagor 8055/8055i M programming G codes / M codes complete lists.

CNC 8055 M

G Codes

G CodesDescription
G00Rapid traverse
G01Linear interpolation
G02Clockwise circular (helical) interpolation
G03Counterclockwise circular (helical) interpolation
G04Dwell/interruption of block preparation
G05Round corner
G06Circle center in absolute coordinates
G07Square corner
G08Arc tangent to previous path.
G09Arc defined by three points
G10Mirror image cancellation
G11Mirror image on X axis
G12Mirror image on Y axis
G13Mirror image on Z axis
G14Mirror image in the programmed directions
G15Longitudinal axis selection
G16Main plane selection by two addresses and longitudinal axis
G17Main plane X-Y and longitudinal Z
G18Main plane Z-X and longitudinal Y
G19Main plane Y-Z and longitudinal X
G20Definition of lower work zone limits
G21Definition of upper work zone limits.
G22Enable/disable work zones.
G28Second spindle selection
G29Main spindle selection
G28-G29Axis toggle
G30Spindle synchronization (offset)
G32Feedrate “F” as an inverted function of time.
G33Electronic threading
G34Variable-pitch threading
G36Controlled corner rounding
G37Tangential entry
G38Tangential exit
G40Cancellation of tool radius compensation
G41Left-hand tool radius compensation
G41 NCollision detection
G42Right-hand tool radius compensation
G42 NCollision detection
G43Tool length compensation
G44Cancellation of tool length compensation
G45Tangential control (G45)
G47Tool movement according to the tool coordinate system.
G48TCP transformation
G49Inclined plane definition
G50Controlled corner rounding
G52Movement until making contact
G53Programming with respect to machine zero
G54Absolute zero offset 1
G55Absolute zero offset 2
G56Absolute zero offset 3
G57Absolute zero offset 4
G58Additive zero offset 1
G59Additive zero offset 2
G60Multiple machining in a straight line
G61Multiple machining in a rectangular pattern
G62Grid pattern canned cycle
G63Multiple machining in a circular pattern
G64Multiple machining in an arc
G65Machining programmed with an arc-chord
G66Irregular pocket canned cycle
G67Irregular pocket roughing
G68Irregular pocket finishing
G69Drilling canned cycle with variable peck
G70Programming in inches
G71Programming in millimeters
G72General and specific scaling factor
G73Pattern rotation
G74Home search
G75Probing move until touching
G76Probing move while touching
G77Axis coupling (slaving)
G77SSpindle synchronization
G78Cancellation of axis coupling (slaving)
G78SCancellation of spindle synchronization
G79Canned cycle parameter modification
G80Canned cycle cancellation
G81Drilling canned cycle
G82Drilling canned cycle with dwell
G83Deep-hole drilling canned cycle with constant peck
G84Tapping canned cycle
G85Reaming canned cycle
G86Boring canned cycle with withdrawal in G00
G87Rectangular pocket canned cycle.
G88Circular pocket canned cycle
G89Boring canned cycle with withdrawal in G01
G90Absolute programming:
G91Incremental programming
G92Coordinate preset / spindle speed limit
G93Polar origin preset
G94Feedrate in millimeters (inches) per minute
G95Feedrate in millimeters (inches) per revolution.
G96Constant cutting point speed
G97Constant tool center speed
G98Withdrawal to the starting plane at the end of the canned cycle
G99Withdrawal to the reference plane at the end of the canned cycle
G145Temporary cancellation of tangential control
G159Absolute zero offsets
G210Bore milling canned cycle
G211Inside thread milling canned cycle.
G212Outside thread milling canned cycle.

M Codes

M CodesDescription
M00Program stop
M01Conditional program stop
M02End of program
M03Clockwise spindle rotation
M04Counterclockwise spindle rotation
M05Spindle stop
M06Tool change code
M19Spindle orientation
M41, M42, M43, M44Spindle gear change
M45Auxiliary spindle / Live tool
M30End of program with return to the first block


FMachining feedrate
SSpindle speed
TTool number
DTool offset number

Fagor 8055 T Lathe

Fagor 8055/8055i T programming G codes / M codes complete lists.

FAGOR 8055 T

G Codes

G CodesDescription
G00Rapid traverse
G01Linear interpolation
G02Clockwise circular interpolation
G03Counterclockwise circular interpolation
G04Dwell/interruption of block preparation
G05Round corner
G06Circle center in absolute coordinates
G07Square corner
G08Arc tangent to previous path.
G09Arc defined by three points
G10Mirror image cancellation
G11Mirror image on X axis
G12Mirror image on Y axis
G13Mirror image on Z axis
G14Mirror image in the programmed directions
G15“C” axis
G16Main plane selection by two addresses
G17Main plane X-Y and longitudinal Z 3.
G18Main plane Z-X and longitudinal Y
G19Main plane Y-Z and longitudinal X
G20Definition of lower work zone limits
G21Definition of upper work zone limits.
G22Enable/disable work zones.
G28It selects the second spindle or toggles (swaps) axes
G29It selects the main spindle or toggles (swaps) axes
G30Spindle synchronization (offset)
G32Feedrate “F” as an inverted function of time.
G33Electronic threading
G34Variable-pitch threading
G36Controlled corner rounding
G37Tangential entry
G38Tangential exit
G40Cancellation of tool radius compensation
G41Left-hand tool radius compensation
G41 NCollision detection
G42Right-hand tool radius compensation
G42 NCollision detection
G45Tangential control (G45)
G50Controlled corner rounding
G52Movement until making contact
G53Programming with respect to machine zero
G54Absolute zero offset 1
G55Absolute zero offset 2
G56Absolute zero offset 3
G57Absolute zero offset 4
G58Additive zero offset 1
G59Additive zero offset 2
G60Face drilling / tapping canned cycle
G61Drilling / tapping canned cycle on the side of the part.
G62Slot milling canned cycle on the side of the part
G63Slot milling canned cycle on the face of the part
G66Pattern repeat cycle canned cycle
G68X axis roughing canned cycle
G69Z axis roughing canned cycle
G70Programming in inches
G71Programming in millimeters
G72General and specific scaling factor
G74Home search
G75Probing move until touching
G76Probing move while touching
G77Axis coupling (slaving)
G77SSpindle synchronization
G78Cancellation of axis coupling (slaving)
G78SCancellation of spindle synchronization
G81Turning canned cycle for straight sections
G82Facing canned cycle for straight sections
G83Drilling canned cycle
G84Turning canned cycle for curved sections
G85Facing canned cycle for curved sections
G86Longitudinal threading canned cycle
G87Face threading canned cycle
G88X axis grooving canned cycle
G89Z axis grooving canned cycle
G90Absolute programming:
G91Incremental programming
G92Coordinate preset / spindle speed limit
G93Polar origin preset
G94Feedrate in millimeters (inches) per minute
G95Feedrate in millimeters (inches) per revolution.
G96Constant surface speed
G97Spindle speed in RPM
G145Temporary cancellation of tangential control
G151Programming the X axis in diameter.
G152Programming the X axis in radius.
G159Absolute zero offsets
G233Withdrawal of axes when interrupting a threading operation.

M Codes

M CodesDescription
M00Program stop
M01Conditional program stop
M02End of program
M03Clockwise spindle rotation
M04Counterclockwise spindle rotation
M05Spindle stop
M06Tool change code
M19Spindle orientation
M41, M42, M43, M44Spindle gear change
M45Auxiliary spindle / Live tool
M30End of program with return to the first block


FMachining feedrate
SSpindle speed
TTool number
DTool offset number