Sinumerik Alarm 380060 Profibus-DP: alarm %1 on logical address %2 from unassigned station

Sinumerik Alarm 380060 Profibus-DP: alarm %1 on logical address %2 from unassigned station

%1 = Alarm class
%2 = Logical address

SDB1000 contains a slave which is not assigned in the NC via the MD parameters (see the help for alarm 380 050/51). The slave is also connected to the PROFIBUS DP. An alarm has been triggered by a slave of this type. Alarm class:
• 01 = Station return (or arrival)
• 02 = Station failure Operation with the NC is not possible.

– Alarm display.

• Enter machine data or
• Modify SDB1000 or
• Disconnect the slave from PROFIBUS DP or
• Acknowledge the alarm.

Program Continuation:
Clear alarm with the Delete key or NC START.


  1. Siemens Diagnostics Guide by Siemens
Sinumerik Alarm 380060 Profibus-DP: alarm %1 on logical address %2 from unassigned station