Sinumerik Alarm 301702 Axis %1 drive %2 track inversion incorrect

Sinumerik Alarm 301702 Axis %1 drive %2 track inversion incorrect

%1 = NC axis number
%2 = Drive number

With rotary spindles without EnDat interface operating with enhanced controller modules, the track inversion (MD_1011.0=1) must not be switched on. Otherwise this error is triggered. Modify MD 1011: $MD_ACTUAL_VALUE_CONFIG (actual value sensing configuration IM)

– Mode group not ready.
– Channel not ready.
– NC Start disable in this channel.
– NC Stop on alarm.
– Alarm display.
– Interface signals are set.

Please inform the authorized personnel/service department. With rotary spindles without EnDat interface operating with enhanced controller modules, the track inversion must be performed by soldering the A and B tracks differently: A <-> B and A* <-> B*

Program Continuation:
Switch control OFF – ON.


  1. Siemens Diagnostics Guide by Siemens
Sinumerik Alarm 301702 Axis %1 drive %2 track inversion incorrect