G Code Example Mill – Sample G Code Program for Beginners

Sample G Code Program for Beginners

Sample G code program example for cnc programmers / cnc machinists who work or want to learn cnc mill programming.

A similar G code example can be found here
Simple G Code Example Mill – G code Programming for Beginners

If you are interested in G code subroutine example (sub program) read
CNC Mill Contour Pecking – Fanuc Subprogram Repeat Example

This is the same component but this time we are machining it in taper.

G Code Example

G Code Example Mill

G Code Example Mill

T1 M6
G0 G90 G40 G21 G17 G94 G80
G54 X-75 Y-25 S500 M3  (Start Point)
G43 Z100 H1
G1 Z-20 F100
X-50 M8               (Position 1)
Y0                    (Position 2)
X0 Y50                (Position 3)
X50 Y0                (Position 4)
X0 Y-50               (Position 5)
X-50 Y0               (Position 6)
Y25                   (Position 7)
X-75                  (Position 8)
G0 Z100