An outline of cnc machine setter or cnc setter duties

CNC Setter
- Operates the cnc machine when cnc machine operator is on vacations. ha ha ha…
- Operates the cnc machine with full authority.
- Dry run or Try out the required cnc program
- Tool Offsetting or Tool Measurement
- Custom machining of Tools ( grinding a tool corner which might collide with jaws or cutting the standard Boring Bar lengths )
- Cnc machine Jaws selection
- Custom work or machining with jaws.
- Cnc program little changes
- Cnc machine Spindle Speed and Tool Feed settings
- Cnc program data travel and management at workshop level ( now a days it is easy with flash sticks but in past there were only punch taps )
- Fixing or changing values of some cnc machine parameters.
- War with management guys about cnc machine speed and feed ( because he also loves the cnc machine and cnc tooling ).
- Future Tooling and Tool Insert demand.
Cnc machine setter is really a busy man in the cnc machine workshop. Whenever a new component comes to the workshop or something goes wrong with the cnc machine he is the man who is consulted.
Because cnc machine setter is the man in the cnc machine workshop who knows better about the behavior of the cnc machines inside the workshop. CNC machine setter has to learn every CNC Machine Mode, every button on the cnc machine control panel.
Cnc machine setter has to alter the cnc machine parameters because sometimes he has to set a component which must be gripped from inside. It is not an astonishing aspect that sometimes the standard tooling have to be machines or grind so that the component operations can be completed.