Anilam G172 Rectangular Profile Cycle
Anilam G172 Rectangular Profile Cycle cleans up the inside or outside profile of a rectangle.
G172 Xn Yn Hn Mn Wn Zn An Rn Un Bn Sn In Jn Kn Pn
Parameter | Description |
X | X coordinate of the center. If no coordinate is entered, the CNC centers the pocket at its present position. |
Y | Y coordinate of the center. If no coordinate is entered, the CNC centers the pocket at its present position. |
H | The Absolute Z position before beginning to mill the pocket. This must be 0.1 inch (or 2 mm) above the surface. |
M | Finished length of rectangle. Required. |
W | Finished width of rectangle. Required. |
Z | Absolute depth of the finished profile. Value required. |
A | 0 = Inside 1 = Outside |
R | Radius of the ramping moves. Required. |
U | Corner radius setting. If the programmer enters a negative value, both direction of cut and the starting and endpoints reverse. Optional. |
B | Maximum Z-axis increment used for each pass. Optional. |
S | Amount of stock left by the machine before the finish pass. Default: 0. If the programmer enters a negative value, the CNC will leave the stock without making a finish pass. Optional. |
I | Z-axis feedrate. Optional. |
J | Rough-pass feedrate. Optional. |
K | Finish-pass feedrate. Optional. |
P | Retract Hgt. |
When run, the CNC rapids to the Ramp #1 starting position, rapids to H (Z StartHgt), and then feeds to the depth of the first cut.
The machine feeds into the profile along Ramp #1, cuts the rectangle to the M (Length) and W (Width) specified then ramps away from the work along Ramp #2.
When cutting an inside profile, the Graphic Menu displays ramp moves.
When cutting an outside profile, the tool ramps into the profile along Ramp #1 and away from the profile along Ramp #2, as illustrated in Figure

Inside and Outside Profile Ramp Moves
The Rectangular Profile Cycle automatically compensates for tool diameter. Activate the correct tool diameter before the G172 block.
When you enter a value, the CNC executes the number of passes required to get from the H (Z Start HGT) to the Z (Z Depth), cutting the B (Z Max.cut) on each pass.
When you enter an S (Finish Stock) value, the CNC leaves the specified stock on the profile and depth for a finish pass. The CNC cuts the rectangle to the M (Length), W (Width), and Z (Z Depth) dimensions on the finish pass. Enter a negative S (Finish Stock) to leave the finish stock without making a finish pass.
When you do not enter a J (Rough Feed) or K (Finish Feed), the CNC executes feed moves at the current feedrate. J (RoughFeed) controls the feedrate of the roughing cycle. K (Finish Feed) controls the feedrate of the finishing cycle