Osai UGS (UCG) Command – Use Graphic Scale (Machine plot) / Use 3D Graphic Scale

Osai UGS (UCG) – Use Graphic Scale (Machine plot)

Osai 10 Series UGS command initialises the graphic display and establishes the limits and the orientation of the graphic display.


(UGS [,ax-orient],abs-axis,val1,val2,ord-axis,val3,val4 [,third-axis])


ax-orientIs a number (from 1 to 4) that selects the type of axis orientation (see figure). The default value is 1
abs-axisIs the name of the abscissa on the display
val1Is the lower limit of the abscissa
val2Is the upper limit of the abscissa
ord-axisIs a name of the ordinate on the display
val3Is the lower limit of the ordinate
val4Is the upper limit of the ordinate
third-axisIs the name of the third axis (generally a spindle axis).

Osai UGS (UCG) - Use Graphic Scale (Machine plot)



The graphic display shows movements between X100 and X150 on the abscissa and between Y50 and Y250 on the ordinate referred to the current origin.


Osai UGS (UCG) – Use 3D Graphic Scale


(UGS ,5,axis1,val1,val2,axis2,val3,val4,axis3,val5,val6 [ , ])


5Selects 3D graphic scale
axis1,axis2,axis3Are the names of the three axes to be displayed
val1,val2Lower and upper limit of the first axis
val3,val4Is the upper limit of the abscissa
αα angular parameter
It is the rotation angle to be applied to the horizontal plane during the 3D the display. The typical horizontal plane is XY.
ββ angular parameter.
It is the rotation angle to be applied to the vertical plane during 3D display. Typical vertical planes are XY or XZ.


α and β parameters are optional. If they are omitted ,the system will take by default:

α = 30°
β = 30°