Okuma Alarms Errors

Okuma alarms and errors.

Okuma Alarm-D 4185 MCS Speed deviation over

Okuma Alarm-D 4185 MCS Speed deviation over Actual motor speed excessively deviates from the speed command. Object Axis name or none (spindle) Character-string None Code XXXXYYYY XXXX: Detected torque (sum…

Okuma Alarm-D 4206 SPM Parameter unsuitable

Okuma Alarm-D 4206 SPM Parameter unsuitable NC program or SUPER MAIN CARD (SPMC) includes improper parameter data. (Super Precision Machining (SPM) control = Hi-Cut Pro or Super-NURBS) Index None Character-string…

Okuma Alarm-D 4173 MCS Motor overheat

Okuma Alarm-D 4173 MCS Motor overheat The motor temperature is abnormally high. Object Axis name or none (spindle) Character-string None Code YYYYZZZZ YYYY = 0 (fixed) ZZZZ = 0010: Motor…

Okuma Alarm-D 4184 MCS Over speed

Okuma Alarm-D 4184 MCS Over speed Actual motor speed is too high. Object Axis name or none (spindle) Character-string None Code Motor speed detected when this alarm occurred [(rev/4294967296)/Tv] Where,…

Okuma Alarm-D 4763 Home position return interlock

Okuma Alarm-D 4763 Home position return interlock As the conditions of home position return are lack, the machine is not able to run by push button. Code 1->Operation mode is…

Okuma Alarm-D 4741 Magazine operation panel manual interrupt

Okuma Alarm-D 4741 Magazine operation panel manual interrupt Magazine operation is manual interruption mode. Code None->Manual interruption mode of main magazine. 1->Manual interruption mode of sub magazine.

Okuma Alarm-D 4742 Turret encoder offset disabled area

Okuma Alarm-D 4742 Turret encoder offset disabled area It is impossible to set the encoder offset, because turret is out off the position to assure rotation stroke. Measures of Take…

Okuma Alarm-D 4748 Additional coolant level low

Okuma Alarm-D 4748 Additional coolant level low Code None->[Additional coolant level low/] signal remained OFF longer than 1[s].

Okuma Alarm-D 4749 Please close door

Okuma Alarm-D 4749 Please close door On the machine with CE marking and ATC specifications,ATC operation was attempted when it was test mode and either front or magazine door unlocked….

Okuma Alarm-D 4750 Safety interlock

Okuma Alarm-D 4750 Safety interlock On the machine with CE marking and ATC specifications,manual interruption select switch on when NC or ATC running Measures to Take Wait NC and ATC…

Okuma Alarm-D 4751 Tailstock quill interlock

Okuma Alarm-D 4751 Tailstock quill interlock Code 1->A tailstock advance/retract command occurred when the chuck was not unclamped. 2->A tailstock advance/retract command occurred when the tailstock sleeve was not unclamped.

Okuma Alarm-D 4760 Moving to home position

Okuma Alarm-D 4760 Moving to home position Code None->The machine is moving to home position by push button of home position return.

Okuma Alarm-D 4761 Override condition

Okuma Alarm-D 4761 Override condition Code 1->Traverse Override is Not 100[%]. 2->Spindle Override is Not 100[%]. 3->Sub Spindle Override is Not 100[%].

Okuma Alarm-D 4762 Side cover open

Okuma Alarm-D 4762 Side cover open Code None->The side cover is open.

Okuma Alarm-D 4746 Tool change mode sw operation error

Okuma Alarm-D 4746 Tool change mode sw operation error Select the Tool change mode while the OGL loader in operation. Code 2-> The TOOL-CHANGE mode was selected when operation mode…

Okuma Alarm-D 4765 Setup not complete

Okuma Alarm-D 4765 Setup not complete Setup not finish. Code 1->M661/M662 command was issued when setup not finish.

Okuma Alarm-D 4754 Bar stock empty

Okuma Alarm-D 4754 Bar stock empty Code None->There is no stock of bar material in the bar feeder.

Okuma Alarm-D 4755 Roof window open interlock

Okuma Alarm-D 4755 Roof window open interlock Code None->Roof window open condition

Okuma Alarm-D 4756 Canceling robot/loader and machine interlock

Okuma Alarm-D 4756 Canceling robot/loader and machine interlock A parameter of MC user parameter [NC loader/NC robot] Loader/Robot in MC interlock ineffective is chosen. An action restriction of a machine…

Okuma Alarm-D 4757 Sp. oil air lub. air extraction mode

Okuma Alarm-D 4757 Sp. oil air lub. air extraction mode It is a air extraction of a lublication of spindle by oil air system. When air extraction control ends, an…

Okuma Alarm-D 4758 Index chuck adjust mode

Okuma Alarm-D 4758 Index chuck adjust mode The index chuck adjust mode has been selected.

Okuma Alarm-D 4764 Spindle orientation interlock

Okuma Alarm-D 4764 Spindle orientation interlock The necessary conditions to execute spindle orientation are lack. Code 1->The spindle encorder did not read a marker signal after power on in spindle…

Okuma Alarm-D 4752 Tailstock absolute coder error

Okuma Alarm-D 4752 Tailstock absolute coder error Code None->[Unit faulty/] signal from tail-stock absolute coder remained OFF longer than 1[s]. 1->The low battery signal from absolutely encoder turn ON.

Okuma Alarm-D 4753 Workpiece hand control

Okuma Alarm-D 4753 Workpiece hand control It is not same state between switch and parameter of work hand control

Okuma Alarm-D 4766 Setup complete interlock

Okuma Alarm-D 4766 Setup complete interlock Condition of setup finish does not have it been satisfied. Code 1->Setup station chuck is not ready. 2->ACC safety door is not close. 3->ACC…

Okuma Alarm-D 4773 ATC shutter barrier area

Okuma Alarm-D 4773 ATC shutter barrier area The turret has entered the interference zone between ATC shutter and machine cover. Code 1->When ATC shutter is not closed, the turret has…

Okuma Alarm-D 4774 Invalid zero offset no.

Okuma Alarm-D 4774 Invalid zero offset no. The ON command value is larger than max number, or spindle table rotating.

Okuma Alarm-D 4779 ATC shutter interlock cancel mode

Okuma Alarm-D 4779 ATC shutter interlock cancel mode The ATC shutter interlock cancel mode is being selected. Code 1->This alarm is indicated when the ATC 1st shutter test mode (mASTEST…

Okuma Alarm-D 4767 ACC safety door locking switch NG

Okuma Alarm-D 4767 ACC safety door locking switch NG ACC safety door locking switch is wrong. Code 1->ACC safety door mechanical lock switch was not confirmed to be in the…

Okuma Alarm-D 4768 Please open ACC safety door

Okuma Alarm-D 4768 Please open ACC safety door If the ACC safety door close limit switch has been ON at the time of power-up, this message appears to ask the…

Okuma Alarm-D 4769 ACC system mode

Okuma Alarm-D 4769 ACC system mode The ACC system mode is being selected. This alarm is indicated when the ATC system mode is selected. Code 11->PA axis pulse handle mode…

Okuma Alarm-D 4770 Mode switch NG

Okuma Alarm-D 4770 Mode switch NG Mode switch is wrong. Code 1->The ACC link ON/OFF switch input signals were kept ON or OFF for 0.5[s] or longer.

Okuma Alarm-D 4771 Magnet chuck unclamp cycle

Okuma Alarm-D 4771 Magnet chuck unclamp cycle The magnet chuck is in unclamp cycle.

Okuma Alarm-D 4772 Tool select switch mismatch

Okuma Alarm-D 4772 Tool select switch mismatch It is not same state between running mode and tool select switch.

Okuma Alarm-D 4775 Please open spindle cover

Okuma Alarm-D 4775 Please open spindle cover Open/close confirmation limit SW of a spindle cover has turned into a close edge at the time of power supply initiation, this message…