Okuma Alarm-B 2720 M06/M228 interlock

Okuma Alarm-B 2720 M06/M228 interlock
M06, M228, or MG command was wrongly specified.
M06: Tool change command
M228: ATC next tool return command
MG: Magazine index command (MG = **, where ** is the magazine pot No.)


1->M06 was specified though the next tool was not ready.
2->M228 was specified though the next tool was not ready or the tool return operation was not ready to start.
3->M06 was specified without positioning the turret in the tool change position.
5->An MG command was issued with a sequence number that inhibits magazine indexing.
6->M06 command was issued during a tool calling or storing movement.
7->M228 command was issued during a tool calling or storing movement.
8->M06 was specified though a long boring tool was mounted in the turret H1.
9->M06 command was issued during an AAC cycle.
10->M06 command was issued when Measurement sensor unit is not in retract position.

Probable Faulty Locations
1)By LB35II-MATC-Y LU45-MATC-Y, a next tool preparation state is ATC operation sequence number 12 and 49. By LB15IIMATC-Y, a next tool preparation state is ATC operation sequence number 8 and 51. They are going along M06 instructions that ATC operation sequence number is not a next tool preparation state.
2)By LB35II-MATC-Y LU45-MATC-Y, a tool return operation start state is ATC operation sequence number 27 and 68.

By LB15II-MATC-Y, a tool return operation start state is ATC operation sequent number 23 and 65. They are going along M228 instructions that ATC operation sequence number is not a tool return operation start state.

3)M06 was issued though the turret is not indexed at the tool change position.
5)For LB15II/LB35II-MATC-Y and LU45-MATC-Y, MG commands can be issued with the ATC operation sequence number 1, 2, 41, and 42. An MG was issued with a sequence number other than 1, 2, 41,or 42.

Okuma Alarm-B 2720 M06/M228 interlock