Okuma Alarm-B 2524 Mistake in AT command

Okuma Alarm-B 2524 Mistake in AT command
The AT instruction price has risen the tolerance.


Instructed AT instruction value

Probable Faulty Locations
1)There is no Attachment specification.
2)It instructed excluding A turret.
3)The AT instruction value exceeds the maximum number of attachments (number of installing).
4)It instructed in values that were larger than 12 that was the maximum attachment number on the NC side.
5)The AT instruction value is a value of the minus.
6)The instructed attachment is not in the stocker.
7)There is no stocker information in a present attachment and the instructed attachment.

Measures to Take
The program is corrected.

Okuma Alarm-B 2524 Mistake in AT command