Sinumerik Alarm 16949 Correspondence between marker of channel %1 and channel %2 is invalid.

Sinumerik Alarm 16949 Correspondence between marker of channel %1 and channel %2 is invalid.

%1 = Channel ID
%2 = Channel ID

This channel defines a WAIT marker with other channels, which on their part have no correspondence with this wait marker. This channel’s WAIT marker has no explicit counterpart in the other channel; i.e.
the channels do not mutually wait.
Example Ch 3 Ch 5 Ch 7
WAITM(99,3,5) WAITM(99,3,5) WAITM(99,5,7)
The wait markers in channels 3 and 5 mutually wait for each other and channel 7 only waits for channel 5. Therefore, channel 7 may continue when 5 and 7 have reached the wait marker, but channel 3 is still far in front of the wait marker. When it continues, channel 7 deletes its wait marker. When wait marker 99 is reached again, you can no longer determine the behavior precisely.

– Alarm display.

In each wait marker, list all channels with which you want to synchronize, or suppress the alarm with $MN_SUPPRESS_ALARM_MASK, bit 23.
Sample solution A:
Ch 3 Ch 5 Ch 7
WAITM(99,3,5,7) WAITM(99,3,5,7) WAITM(99,3,5,7)
Sample solution B:
Ch 3 Ch 5 Ch 7
WAITM(99,3,5) WAITM(99,3,5) WAITM(88.50.7) WAITM(88.50.7)
Sample solution C:
Ch 3 Ch 5 Ch 7
WAITM(88.50.7) WAITM(88.50.7) WAITM(99,3,5) WAITM(99,3,5)

Program Continuation:
Clear alarm with the Delete key or NC START


  1. Siemens Diagnostics Guide by Siemens
Sinumerik Alarm 16949 Correspondence between marker of channel %1 and channel %2 is invalid.