Haas Parameters

Haas lathe/mill parameters

Haas Parameter 129 GEAR CH SETTLE TIME

Haas Parameter 129 GEAR CH SETTLE TIME Gear change settle time. This is the number of one millisecond samples that the gear status must be stable before considered in gear.

Haas Parameter 130 GEAR STROKE DELAY

Haas Parameter 130 GEAR STROKE DELAY Controls the delay time to the gear change solenoids when performing a gear change.

Haas Parameter 132 Y SCREW COMP. COEF.

Haas Parameter 132 Y SCREW COMP. COEF. Coefficient of heating of the ballscrew, and is used to decrease or shorten the screw length.

Haas Parameter 133 Z SCREW COMP. COEF.

Haas Parameter 133 Z SCREW COMP. COEF. Coefficient of heating of the ballscrew, and is used to decrease or shorten the screw length.

Haas Parameter 112 A D*D GAIN

Haas Parameter 112 A D*D GAIN Second derivative gain in servo loop.

Haas Parameter 73 SP HIGH G/MIN SPEED

Haas Parameter 73 SP HIGH G/MIN SPEED Command speed used to rotate spindle motor when orienting spindle in high gear. Units are maximum spindle rpm divided by 4096. This parameter is…


Haas Parameter 138 X FRICTION COMPENSAT Compensate for friction on the axis. The units are in 0.004V.

Haas Parameter 74 SP LOW G/MIN SPEED

Haas Parameter 74 SP LOW G/MIN SPEED Command speed used to rotate spindle motor when orienting spindle in low gear. Units are maximum spindle rpm divided by 4096. This parameter is…


Haas Parameter 139 Y FRICTION COMPENSAT Compensate for friction on the axis. The units are in 0.004V.

Haas Parameter 77 SP LOCK SETTLE TIME

Haas Parameter 77 SP LOCK SETTLE TIME Required time in milliseconds that the spindle lock must be in place and stable before spindle orientation is considered complete.


Haas Parameter 140 Z FRICTION COMPENSAT Compensate for friction on the axis. The units are in 0.004V.

Haas Parameter 122 Y PHASE OFFSET

Haas Parameter 122 Y PHASE OFFSET The motor phase offset for Y motor. Constant value, the value has no units.

Haas Parameter 162 B STEPS/REVOLUTION

Haas Parameter 162 B STEPS/REVOLUTION See Parameter 12 for description.

Haas Parameter 123 Z PHASE OFFSET

Haas Parameter 123 Z PHASE OFFSET The motor phase offset for Z motor. Constant value, the value has no units.

Haas Parameter 124 A PHASE OFFSET

Haas Parameter 124 A PHASE OFFSET The motor phase offset for A motor. Constant value, the value has no units.

Haas Parameter 165 B IN POSITION LIMIT

Haas Parameter 165 B IN POSITION LIMIT Same definition as Parameter 101.

Haas Parameter 110 Y D*D GAIN

Haas Parameter 110 Y D*D GAIN Second derivative gain in servo loop.

Haas Parameter 111 Z D*D GAIN

Haas Parameter 111 Z D*D GAIN Second derivative gain in servo loop.

Haas Parameter 150 MAX SP RPM LOW GEAR

Haas Parameter 150 MAX SP RPM LOW GEAR Maximum spindle rpm in low gear.

Haas Parameter 169 B PHASE OFFSET

Haas Parameter 169 B PHASE OFFSET The motor phase offset for B motor. Constant value, the value has no units.

Haas Parameter 153 B D GAIN

Haas Parameter 153 B D GAIN See Parameter 3 for description.

Haas Parameter 170 B GRID OFFSET

Haas Parameter 170 B GRID OFFSET Shifts the effective position of the encoder Z pulse. It can correct for a motor or home switch positioning error.

Haas Parameter 154 B I GAIN

Haas Parameter 154 B I GAIN See Parameter 4 for description.

Haas Parameter 171 B EXACT STOP DIST.

Haas Parameter 171 B EXACT STOP DIST. This parameter controls how close the axis must be to its end point when exact stop is programmed. They apply in G09 and G64.They…

Haas Parameter 155 B RATIO (Steps/Unit)

Haas Parameter 155 B RATIO (Steps/Unit) See Parameter 47 for description. Parameters Haas Lathe Parameter 47 A RATIO (Steps/Unit) Haas Mill Parameter 47 A RATIO (Steps/Unit)


Haas Parameter 172 B FRICTION COMPENSAT Compensate for friction on the axis. The units are in 0.004V.

Haas Parameter 156 B MAX TRAVEL (Steps)

Haas Parameter 156 B MAX TRAVEL (Steps) See Parameter 6 for description. Normally this parameter would not apply to the A axis; however, this parameter is used on mills with a…

Haas Parameter 173 B ACCEL FEED FORWARD

Haas Parameter 173 B ACCEL FEED FORWARD Set the feed forward gain for the axis servo. Constant value, it has no units.

Haas Parameter 157 B ACCELERATION

Haas Parameter 157 B ACCELERATION See Parameter 7 for description.

Haas Parameter 158 B MAX SPEED

Haas Parameter 158 B MAX SPEED See Parameter 8 for description.

Haas Parameter 175 B AIR BRAKE DELAY

Haas Parameter 175 B AIR BRAKE DELAY Delay provided for air to release from brake on B-axis prior to moving. Units are milliseconds. Note: The C-axis parameters (176-200) are used to…

Haas Parameter 160 B FUSE LEVEL

Haas Parameter 160 B FUSE LEVEL See Parameter 10 for description.

Haas Parameter 161 B BACK EMF

Haas Parameter 161 B BACK EMF See Parameter 11 for description.

Haas Parameter 167 B D*D GAIN

Haas Parameter 167 B D*D GAIN Second derivative gain in servo loop.

Haas Parameter 168 B ACC/DEC T CONST

Haas Parameter 168 B ACC/DEC T CONST Same definition as Parameter 113.