Fanuc Alarm PS896 ILLEGAL FORMAT IN G02.3/G03.3

Fanuc Alarm PS896 ILLEGAL FORMAT IN G02.3/G03.3

Fanuc Alarm Description
Fanuc 15i
The format for specifying exponential interpolation is incorrect. Addresses I slope angle, J excessive torsion and setting R in exponential interpolation are not specified, or are set to “0”.
The setting ranges for I and J are –89.0 to +89.0 (excluding “0”). This alarm is also generated when addresses I and J are outside of this range.
When CBK parameter No. 7610#7 is set to “0”, the linear axis span value is assigned by parameter No. 7685. When the CBK parameter is set to “1”, the span value is specified by address K in the G02.3/G03.3 block.
This alarm is also generated when these span values are “0”.

Fanuc 10/11/12/15
The format for specifying exponential interpolation is incorrect (addresses I, J, or R are not specified, are set to 0, or the span value is negative).

Fanuc Alarm PS896 ILLEGAL FORMAT IN G02.3/G03.3