Okuma Alarm-D 4717 Dual cycle start button interlock

Okuma Alarm-D 4717 Dual cycle start button interlock
In dual palm cycle start specifications, start-up of 2 pieces of cycle start button or fall time has slipped more than 1[s].

1->Rise time of 2 pieces of cycle start button has slipped more than 1[s].
2->Fall time of 2 pieces of cycle start button has slipped more than 1[s].
3->The dual-palm starting was performed when the conditions for starting with the standard panel button were met (for optional dual-palm starting types).
4->The starting with the standard panel button was performed when the conditions for dual-palm starting were met (for optional dual-palm starting types).
5->Rise time of 2 pieces of cycle start button has slipped more than the fixed time.
6->Fall time of 2 pieces of cycle start button has slipped more than the fixed time.

Measures to Take
Reset the NC unit or start in the correct manner to recover.

Okuma Alarm-D 4717 Dual cycle start button interlock