Okuma Alarm-B 2232 EXPRESSION subscript mistake

Okuma Alarm-B 2232 EXPRESSION subscript mistake
Subscript expression at right part is wrong.
Remark: When the subscript expression at the right part is erroneous, alarm message “Alarm B 2214 Direct of subscript” is displayed.
Subscript: [*] in such a variable as V***[*]


NoneMore than one subscript expressions.
OthersResult of subscript expression exceeds the range of subscript.

Probable Faulty Locations
Subscript expression causing the alarm
Program Example: V1=VTOFX[0]Range of subscript of VTOFX is 1 to 32 (1 to 64 for 64-pair tool offset specification).
V1=VTOFX[1,2]Two subscripts are used.

Measures to Take
Make correction so that the calculation result of the subscript expression is within the range of the subscript.

Okuma Alarm-B 2232 EXPRESSION subscript mistake