Fanuc Alarm PS470 G40.1 to G42.1 PARAMETER MISS

Fanuc Alarm PS470 G40.1 to G42.1 PARAMETER MISS

Fanuc Alarm Description
Fanuc 15i
The normal line direction control axes parameter settings are erroneous.
· Set the normal line direction control axis setting in NDC parameter No. 1006#6. Only one axis can be set to “1”; this is not possible for multiple axes.
· Set the axis for which NDC parameter No. 1006#6 is set to “1” to axis of rotation (ROT parameter No. 1006#6=1, and parameter No. 1022=2).
· Set the feedrate when rotation of the normal line direction control axis is set to parameter No. 1472 within the range 1 to 5000 degrees/min.

Fanuc Alarm PS470 G40.1 to G42.1 PARAMETER MISS