ECS G81/3 – 3 Layers Drilling Cycle

ECS G81/3 – 3 Layers Drilling

With this cycle it is possible to drill holes defining two zones where the bit will advance at different feeds ( normally lower) than the one programmed with the F… instruction.

The cycle Data Entry is activated, in MDI and Edit modes, through this keys sequence: ECS G81 3 Layers Drilling - Keys Sequence


G81 <ENT=..> <RAP=..> <RAL=..> <SF1=..> <FE1=..>  <SF2=..>  <FE2=..>


ENTDepth quote
RAPQuote reached in rapid at the beginning of cycle
RALQuote reached in rapid at the end of the cycle
SF1 /SF2Quotes used to define the 2 zones where the bit will change the Feed.
FE1Feed [mm/min] used into the zone SF1
FE2Feed [mm/min] used into the zone SF2

ECS G81 3 Layers Drilling