Cut Screw with Threads On Both Ends (Dowel Screw) using CNC G76 Thread Cycle

Submit by: Vikram


Screw with threads on both ends (dowel screws) can be easily manufactured on cnc lathe using G76 threading cycle.
Following program cuts the same screw with RH (right hand thread) on one end and LH (left hand thread) on the other end using G76 threading cycle.


Cut Screw with Threads On Both Ends (Dowel Screw) using CNC G76 Thread Cycle

CNC Program

N01 G90 F0.2 S1200 T0101 M04
N10 G00 X30 Z5
N20 G00 X30 Z0
N30 G76 P010160 Q10
N40 G76 X27.6 Z-40 P1200 Q100 F2 (RH THREAD FROM Z0 TO Z-40)
N50 G01 X30 Z-90
N60 G76 P010160 Q0.5
N70 G76 X27.6 Z-50 P1200 Q100 F2 (LH THREAD FROM Z-90 TO Z-50)
N80 G01 X30 Z-42
N90 G75 R1
N100 G75 X20 Z-50 P1000 Q1999 (PARTING OPERATION parting tool width 2mm)
N110 G28 U0 W0
N120 M05 M30